Create a Team Store
  • Your Details
    Your Details
Your Details

Please Note: If your team competes in multiple sports you will need to create a separate store for each sport (e.g. Team Serious Netball and Team Serious Football would be separate stores).

This will dictate which product types you can sell on your store.

Must be at least eight characters, contain at least one upper and one lower case character, and at least one special character.

If you have been referred by another club or team enter their ID below.

Join Team Serious, you’re in good company.
  • 1,000+ stores now live
    From grassroots to pro clubs.
  • 100% free
    There are no charges to set up and run your team store.
  • Monetise your store
    Did you know you can earn a commission on products sold or uplift your prices to raise funds?

  • Fast delivery times
    Benefit from 5-10 working day delivery for personalised teamwear via your team store.
  • No minimum orders
    We take all the risk, so you don't have to.

Serious Sport Team Stores